
Is it safe to have Roman Chamomile during pregnancy?

Read on for more details

Can I have Roman Chamomile when pregnant?

Roman Chamomile - also known as 

Anthemis Nobilis, Roman Chamomile, English Chamomile, Garden Chamomile, Ground Apple, Low Chamomile, Mothers Daisy, Whig Plant
Anthemis Nobilis

While moderate dietary consumption and topical use are safe, some sources suggest that large doses of Roman chamomile can increase the risk of complication in pregnancy.
Our content team is working on updating this item with more details. Meanwhile, if you are looking to consume this food item directly or as an ingredient in any supplements or foods, please check with your doctor before consuming. If you have consumed it already and worrying if you have accidentally harmed your baby, please remember that most of the natural herbs are safe when taken in moderate or small amounts. So if you are feeling fine, it is likely you are going to be ok. However, to be completely sure, it is best to consult with your doctor.


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