Unsure about Sex During Pregnancy? 5 Surprising Facts from Experts


In short, the answer is Yes. It is perfectly safe for you to have intercourse with your partner during pregnancy as long as your doctor or midwife have specifically advised you against it.

Sex during pregnancy is also beneficial in many ways.

Reasons why you should indulge in sex during pregnancy:

  1. Women who have an orgasm during pregnancy have healthy hormones and blood flow to the heart, which is beneficial for the baby
  2. It is a form of exercise which is good to keep your body active
  3. Helps strengthen intimacy with your partner before testing times begin with baby’s arrival
  4. An increase in pelvic blood flow and growing breast size may make sex more enjoyable
  5. If you are overdue and eager for baby to come out, indulging in sex can help induce labour

However, there are few situations when your doctor will advice you against it:

  1. Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy (often a symptom in first trimester in certain pregnancies)
  2. Abdominal pain, cramps or contractions
  3. If the water membrane is broken close to delivery
  4. History of premature delivery

While it safe in most circumstances, doing it or not is completely up to you and what you and your partner are comfortable with. Sometimes there are changes in sex drive in either partner during pregnancy and it is important to recognize this and do what you feel best about.


Also, if you are wondering that your baby will get hurt or poked during intercourse, rest assured, nature has that covered. Your baby is perfectly protected with amniotic fluid all around. She is placed inside the cavity of the uterus and protected by a thick muscular wall. So go ahead, enjoy!

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

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